SCABS - Social Critics Against Bullshit Systems
of corrupt politicians, unconstitutional taxation, behind
the scene corporate payoffs and society’s overall apathetic
view of the American system of living, the Social Critics
Against Bullshit Systems (The Scabs) reared their ugly heads
for the first time in 1991.Playing local parties and garages
until the mid-90's the band was almost disbanded due to
member changes and personal conflicts, but in 1999 the band
reemerged stronger then ever with a solid dedicated crew
to push the band forward.
with such legends as The Dead Kennedys, Dee Dee Ramone,
Marky Ramone, DRI, The Crowd, The Dickies, D.I., Angry Samoans, Narcoleptic Youth, RKL, Chaos UK and many
more., help set the pace for the Social Critics Against
Bullshit Systems, who are always ready to point the finger
(usually the middle one) at controversial social figures
and situations with their Drunk Rock point of view.
hard-core grinds and rhythms provided by creator and rhythm
guitarist Andy Nelson and front man Johnny Armstrong,
lead guitarist Brain Wash, bassist Greg and drummer
Scott Rea, tear through your ears like the Southern
California old school used to. Drunk Rock through and through.
The bands Goal, to continue to break down the facade built
by the system and help pass on the tradition to the next